A Bittersweet Day of Treatments

Today Consisted of Much Healing Around Grief for My Clients

We noticed many things happening around and in the tent that signified a loved one was present, we had butterflies and dragonflies landing on the tent and blessing us with their shadow whilst we kept warm by the fire.

Grief is hard.

It’s not fun.

It’s not easy and it does have impacts on your overall well-being .

Yesterday after finding out a dear client had passed away in a tragic car accident really broke my heart in two.

When I had a moment, I asked -

did I do enough for her while she was here?

I should have done more?

What can I do to help her family now?

Why was the system so broken?

What can I do for her children?

I know I can’t cure them of their loss, but in this job it goes beyond the treatment.

You do intertwine with their reality, you become aware of their needs and struggles and want them to find peace and rightful happiness and justice.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many clients for then length of my journey as a Reflexologist and for many the connection continues beyond the treatments.

I’ve watched clients create families and see them go through all their life stages so far.

I’ve worked with clients who have lost their own children and have to go through tremendous pain to come through.

I’ve worked with people who have had other loved ones pass, divorce and have to step away from family.

I’ve been with clients who had to grieve a family they never had.

It’s hard going and it taught me to really face my own challenges and demons (it’s still ongoing but I will never give up)

If you can’t be yourself whilst helping these people, how can you truly help them?

I remember being advised to never do this.

But it’s so natural, it’s so rewarding . It would be a disservice to not.

I’m not the average business owner, it’s hard to not create attachments.

But I would rather create that relationship and feel this pain to have lost them then to have never been there at all.

I just can’t do it.

I honour this woman, she only wrote this in May and I couldn’t be more grateful than I am right now to have had the pleasure of meeting and treating her.

Reflexology brought us together and for everyday I treat it will keep us connected, there is a piece of her at the tent , woven into the fabric and dancing in the air that surrounds it.

The same as all my other clients.

I have no regrets taking this path.


I would have missed out on a hell of a lot of amazing people if I did.

This is to Sara, you will always live in my heart and my dreams, I will never stop seeing you in my imagination, hear your voice and your laugh.

Rest in internal peace and harmony, you wonderful woman.

Em x