Be Proud of Yourself

There are very few weeks where my mind doesn’t try to consume me with worry thoughts about failing.

Both as a mother, a wife , a friend , a daughter, a sibling and not to mention as a Reflexologist. In those moments I can easily find anything to confirm these thoughts are true even when they are not.

It’s hard sometimes to accept your actually doing the best you can and are worthy.

This is common to feel really uncomfortable about being good at something when you have Autism and or ADHD.

But step by step, day by day I have to keep facing these thoughts and carrying on regardless.

I do make a lot of mistakes and I can’t always get everything perfect.

BUT each day I try my best.



You are enough as you are regardless of the struggles.

Not sure who needs to hear this but I see you ❤️

Huge love

Em x

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