Celebrating My Boys

From Whirlwind Beginnings to High School Journeys

These boys are only 13 months apart. They are polar opposites to each other, but they are so special to me.

They were the ones who took me into motherhood like a whirlwind of sheer madness. I was immensely sleep deprived, exhausted, and confused for at least five years straight.

But they were everything I wanted and more. It’s not been easy by any stretch, but I wouldn’t want them to be anything other than themselves.

They have taught me so much about reality, life, and certainly a lot about all the things I struggled with and hid. These boys are lush in my eyes, and I am always proud of them.

They do fry my swede at times, as I do theirs, but that’s family life. I want them to challenge things and have their own opinions.

When they left primary school, it was a huge emotional transition for them and me. Now, they are both about to enter years 10 and 11.

So many more changes are happening, so my heart goes out to all the parents whose children have just flown the primary school nest. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

Huge love to you all today.

Em x