It’s Bloody Hard Being a Mum

It’s Bloody Hard Being a Mum to a Child That Find School Really Hard.

It can make you think you’ve failed them

It can make you think , there is little hope or that the difficulties are endless

It can make you think it’s unfair

It can make you think “why ?”

It can make you want to be as far away from this world as possible

And it can certainly Feel LONELY!

But everyday you still get up and give your child the best you can.

Even when you are depleted , you make sure they are loved and cared for.

You make sure you have researched all the options and possibilities.

You make sure you have their back 100% and nothing takes priority over that.

These difficulties are disheartening and can make you think it’s you who has caused all this grief , especially when very few others can resonate.

It can be lonely and isolating experience, one who tried everything in your power to avoid but couldn’t.

I see you.

I understand.

And I want you to know - you are the BEST parent that child could have ever been given.

It’s hard to accept that , I know , but you are .

So give yourself a hug, give yourself a high five and go and do the same to your amazing and unique child who is also a bad ass , gorgeous being .

And when your overwhelmed and your child asks “why are you crying ?, you can tell them “ I felt like growing so you watered your soul “ .

They need us to know we are humans too and we are always trying our best.

Huge love,

Em x