One of My “WHYS” for Being a Reflexologist!

I Do What I Do, Because I Am Determined

to show anyone including my children and other young people that regardless of school grades , trauma , difficult life experiences , stereotypes and neurodiverse learning styles you can still do a job you love , be happy and succeed .

Helping / caring for others has always made me really happy, but sitting written exams to prove that didn’t allow me to show just how passionate and capable I am- for me it was physical actions and mainly conversation.

If you have struggled with this way of learning too, it does NOT mean your stupid or that you have failed in life , it means better support and more diverse ways of seeing you as a person and your abilities is still needed.

But more so you CAN achieve anything, if you really want it ❤️

No matter how many road blocks you may face, there are ways forward that are still to be discovered and maybe just maybe you have the key to showing us a path that couldn't help not just you but others like you.

You are a blessing.

Huge love

Em x

(picture taken a few years back)