we are both riddled with hormones changing we are both always right
we are both tearful one Minute than totally fine the next!
we are both knackered and neither of us gets on with the cleaning elegantly!
we are both way too hot but the teen still decides to wear a jumper
we both have zero tolerance to bullshit
we both talk absolute bullshit too
zero ability to remember anything one has been requested ( but I’m certain my teen is more selective!)
we both have similar stims to keep us calm, chewing on pen lids until they are mush!
you need to put a timer on everything you do , especially cooking or you’ll forget that you even put food in the oven ( serving charcoal chips!) or in his case to do any request I ask ( it has to be to the point and within a set time or I get Nadda!)
too many “to dos” will lead to too many “to donts” as both our brains start melting with “ WTF!”
we both love repeated programs/ films ( mine right now Is Shirley Valentine and his Derry Girls - could it get anymore relative to what we are resonant with in this moment ?? )
Honestly the list could go on and on!
But I know during all of this I need my time to just be and he needs his - to be able to help each other.
We are right in the midst of winter now , so why take some time to rest in this transition and come back to you , to nature!
For a FREE call to discuss how these treatments might be great for you, message me and we can set up a chat.
Em x
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