The Power of Reflexology

in Alzheimer's Care

Witnessing the Miraculous Calm and Connection Through Healing Touch

I regularly treat a man with Alzheimer’s who has lost a lot of motor control and shakes a lot, similar to Parkinson’s. He has become a regular client and attends with a carer.

Both myself, my client, and the carer become stunned with how quickly he stops shaking when the treatment starts, especially when I work on the big toe, which is where we work on the reflex points in and around the head/brain. All tremors decrease substantially, or there is total stillness.

I’m not claiming I am curing his condition, but he gets much-needed rest from the tremors, and he can remember me as he asks for Reflexology. I feel privileged to see this and to witness more magic in this marvelous treatment. ❤️