We Are a Household of

Neurospicy Beings!

This Last Year Both Myself Sbd My Eldest Son Was Diagnosed With ADHD

I can see we are a household of Neurospicy beings!

Each time you recognise a trait that once was undermined and disregarded you look back at your little you and hug her even tighter.

You realise your not broken and never were, you were being led to believe your broken.

Understandably many people who are ND have made irrational choices, bad decisions and taken some hefty risks!

Some of these traits can work to our advantage when we are allowed to be ourselves - but confined and trapped in a box with little to no answers to why you feel so different and get such negative responses it’s no wonder our mental and physical well-being suffer and the perpetuating cycle continues.

There is movement happening, significantly delayed in Wales unfortunately but, it’s happening and it’s up to us to create, gather and build momentum in this breakthrough.

Speak out, shout out, own who you are and where your coming from, get help( believe me do not let shame, guilt, fear stop you)

Help has been the best thing I have navigated, it is an ongoing journey so it’s time to make it a positive one regardless of the trails and pitfalls!

In my job as a Reflexologist I support many to seek validation and support in their journey and I am full of beans too continue their.

Here’s to US!

Huge love

Em x